
Friday, March 06, 2009

Link as promised

I went to Rt Hon John Spellar MP's annual dinner at The Hawthorns in West Bromwich last night along with about 300 other guests.

Amongst them I had the pleasure of meeting fellow blogger David Hallam.

David is a former Sandwell Councillor and (rather leftwing by my standards!) MEP for Herfordshire & Shropshire but more importantly is originally from Hackney where he was Chair of Dalston Branch Labour Party.

I've promised to link to his blog, which is an intriguing mix of stuff about his political life and his role as a Methodist lay preacher, so here it is:


  1. Today Stoke, tomorrow, Hackney?

  2. Any particular reason for posing that question?

  3. It ain't going to make a blind bit of difference.

    Labour is going out of office for the next ten years. It's going back to basics - well left, unelectable and there won't be time for mod-squad bods such as yourself.

    You'll be in line for a pension before you get a looksy no matter how much brown-nosing you get up to.

  4. "Any particular reason for posing that question?" asks Luke.

    Yup! A real good reason.

  5. OK anonymouse. If you have a serious allegation to make then you have a duty to take it to the Hackney Council Monitoring Officer and/or the police. If it is something I should be investigating as Chief Whip then please write to me at my council email address.
