A blog by Luke Akehurst about politics, elections, and the Labour Party - With subtitles for the Hard of Left. Just for the record: all the views expressed here are entirely personal and do not necessarily represent the positions of any organisations I am a member of.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Those who live by the sword ...

The SWP are now reaping the whirlwind down the road from me in Tower Hamlets as the "Respect" frankenstein they created takes on a life of its own. Branch-stacking and meeting packing antics that characterised the Tower Hamlets Labour Party in the past, e.g. in the 1997 General Election selection, have now been shifted to Respect where they are being used by the non-Trot Muslim faction against John Rees etc. The juicy details (ok too much detail even for a trainspotter like me) are all here http://www.cpgb.org.uk/worker/632/respect.htm as the CPGB (no relation to the pre-1990 CPGB) carries out its traditional role of exposing the less than democratic inner workings of the other 57 Marxist-Leninist varieties. It couldn't happen to a nicer party.


Blogger Tom said...

could this be the point where this utterly illogical coalition falls apart? I hope so!

1:57 am, July 08, 2006

Blogger Dan said...

But... but... how would comrade Galloway keep his public profile at an acceptable level? :/

2:16 pm, July 08, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't Gallowy going to stand down next time? I suppose the selection battle will be a mess if that's the premise...actually the Labour selection would be interesting too.

5:05 pm, July 08, 2006


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