Tell Channel 4 what you think of their list

Channel 4 are broadcasting a programme tonight claiming that Hackney is the worst place to live in the UK. They have used deprivation-related statistics in a way that implies the poorest areas in the UK are the worst places to live. Please join Hackney Council in proving them wrong. Send an e-card to Channel 4 and tell them why Hackney is a great place to live using this link:
I have. cheers for the link! ;-)
10:29 am, October 27, 2006
Somehow I thought you might have something to say...
10:53 am, October 27, 2006
it might be an idea for you guys to set the record straight- has crime risen, as channel 4 claim- or has it fallen, as you say?
Maybe you hackney labour could do a point by point response so all of us punters know where we all stand and what needs to be done?
9:53 pm, October 27, 2006
The raw data is all at
Shows that compared year on year total crimes in Hackney are down from 36,225 to 31,923. Within this violence against the person, rape, other sexual offences, robbery, burglary, gun crime, vehicle crime, domestic crime and racist crime all fell but homicide and homophobic crime rose.
5:43 pm, October 28, 2006
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