Council Tax freeze for Hackney

- Hackney’s part of the council tax is being frozen for the second year in a row - with a 0% rise for 2007/8.
- Rising collection rates and efficiency savings at the Town Hall mean we are able to put more money into key services without putting up council tax.
- It will be the fifth year that there are NO cuts in services in Hackney’s budget
- There will be boosts for key services including:
KIDS SWIM FREE: An extra £295K to fund free access to all residents under 18 to swimming lessons during school holidays – starting this Easter.
BETTER CUSTOMER SERVICE: An extra £80K to extend the opening hours of the Hackney Service Centre from 8am-6pm Monday-Friday to 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday AND Saturday morning. More translating services for customers without English as a first language.
STREET WARDENS: Investment to secure the future for Hackney’s Street Wardens to help make our borough cleaner and safer.
MORE RECYCLING: An extra £250K to roll out compulsory recycling across the borough including for plastics and to introduce blue bins for kitchen waste to all kerbside collections. MORE TREES: An extra 500 trees on Hackney’s street this year alone – reducing our carbon footprint and making Hackney greener.
GREENER HACKNEY: An extra £1.3m to improve Hackney’s parks and green spaces
In addition, Hackney’s schools are getting an extra £11 million to continue the improvements in education in Hackney that have seen GCSE results improve from 32% in 2002 to 51% today.
So the Town Hall square on Budget night 2007 should look more like this:

Well done. Impressive stuff.
12:34 pm, February 01, 2007
Good stuff. A vbast improvement on the old days, as far as I can remember...
3:23 pm, February 01, 2007
Is Tom referring to coucil taxes or Playoby girls? :)
3:53 pm, February 01, 2007
Jeez Luke,
Imagine what you guys could really do with the £50M spent on a swimming pool we can't use!
BTW, our bet's still on!
9:14 pm, February 01, 2007
Does Hackney have certainty already on the government's settlement?
11:24 pm, February 01, 2007
Both. The playboy girls are, after all, 'free'.
11:25 am, February 02, 2007
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